Starting Pack 30days

Dark Wizard

Excellent Legendary Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Legendary Staff +7+mana+life
Excellent Small Shield+7+mana+zen
Wings of Heaven+0

Dark Knight

Excellent Dragon Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Double Blade +7+skill+mana+life x2
Wings of Satan+0

Fairy Elf

Excellent Guardian Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Silver Bow +7+skill+mana+life
Wings of Elf+0

Excellent Guardian Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Elemental Mace +7+mana+life
Excellent Small Shield+7+mana+zen
Wings of Elf+0

Magic Gladiator

Excellent Storm Crow Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Thunder Blade +7+skill+mana+life
Wings of Satan+0

Excellent Legendary Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Legendary Staff +7+mana+life x2
Wings of Heaven+0

Dark Lord

Excellent Light Plate Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Battle Scepter+7+skill+mana+life
Excellent Small Shield+7+mana+zen
Cape of lord+0 15 days duration only


Excellent Red Wing Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Red Wing Stick +7+mana+life
Book of Shamut +7+skill+mana+life
Wings of Curse+0

Rage Fighter

Excellent Leather Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Tomahawk+7+skill+mana+life x2
Cape of Fighter+0 15 days duration only

Excellent Leather Set +7+mana+zen
Excellent Sacred Gloves+7+skill+mana+life x2
Cape of Fighter+0 15 days duration only

Free Subscription

7 days free VIP Subscription to new accounts

NOTE: If new accounts have remaining Bronze Subscriptions and want to subscribe to Gold Channels, kindly contact us through our Discord Channel to upgrade the Bronze Subscription to Gold Subscription immediately.

Beginner's Channel

Non PVP Channel 4 Gold
No Kundun7
No Gemstone
No Master EXP
Normal EXP 25% Rate
With Invasions

All Skills are available to Pasi the Mage in Lorencia Town

HOW TO CLAIM STARTING GEAR: Only newly registered accounts are eligible for the individual starting package. The system will generate 1 WPoint for each new account registered, and this can be used only once. The Starter Package is available in our Cash Shop under the Starting Pack tab.

NOTE: The Starting Packages are non-tradable and cannot be sold to NPCs until they expire. If you wish to delete them, please proceed to the website account panel and use the 'clear inventory' feature.

Currently this is only one server.