in-game commands

Post across all MU-Asia's channels

/post [message]
*Level requirement 20
*Cost 20,000 zen

Post across all MU-Asia's channels

/setparty [party password]
In order to join the party, whisper the assigned password to the party leader(the one who used the /setparty command).

Use party-exclusive chat

~ [message]

Use gens-exclusive chat

$ [message]

Refuse all requests from other users

/request off

Add Strength Points

/addstr [point_count]

Add Agility Points

/addagi [point_count]

Add Vitality Points

/addvit [point_count]

Add Energy Points

/addene [point_count]

Add Command Points

/addcmd [point_count]

Propose marriage to another user

/prop [female character's name]
*You must be standing in Devias 2 exact coordinates 13, 25
*Level requirement 50
*Costs 1,000,000 zen

Accept marriage proposal

*You must be standing in Devias 2 exact coordinates 13, 26
*Level requirement 50
*Costs 1,000,000 zen

Teleport to your spouse


Divorce your marriage


Challenge another Guild Master to a guild war

/war [guild_name]

Surrender from a guild war

/endwar [guild_name]

Challenge another Guild Master in a battle soccer

/battlesoccer [guild_name]

Currently this is only one server.