
What: MU-Asia Corporation Test Castle Siege Event
When: November 4, 2023, Saturday 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Requirements: Minimum of 30 Headcount for each Guild Alliance
Reward: P5,000.00 for the Test Castle Owner

Do you think your guild/alliance is qualified to participate in this event and want to participate? Head over to our official Discord server by clicking here then create a ticket using our Discord ticketing system and mention @Staff and state that you want to participate in this event. One of our Discord staff will then communicate with you and check your Guild/Alliance's qualifications.

Below is the official list of verified entries for the event. This is going to be updated from time to time. Your alliance must comply to the requirements, and will be verified and authenticated by our Discord Staff on or before November 2, 2023. Slots for the official participants will be first come first serve basis (FCFS).

Alliance #1
Main Guild Name: EASY5K
Main Guild Master: HIGHRISK
List of Alliance: EASY5K, EMOrtals, xHITAD

Alliance #2
Main Guild Name: GENESIS
Main Guild Master: DLSKIPPY

Alliance #3
Main Guild Name: ELYU
Main Guild Master: xxxxxTABGA

*Test accounts will be given 7 days of free log-in subscription in our Server's Grand Opening on November 11, 2023.
*All resources are available in Cash Shop using WCoins during our testing phase.
*Obtain WCoins by purchasing GM Gift from NPC Lumen in Lorencia and throwing the box on the ground.
*All in-game data will be wiped out after our testing phase. This includes your test characters, wcoins, gpoints, items, and over-all in-game progress.
*Only test registered account data will be carried over to our Live Servers.

Posted on 02-11-2023

Currently this is only one server.